Sunday, January 6, 2008

Setting Goals for 2008

Last time I talked about looking back at 2007 and analyzing what you did. This time we will look forward.
How many of us know what is going to happen this year? I certainly don’t. It is even worse than predicting the weather isn’t it? So how can we plan ahead? Well that is what setting goals is all about. Each day as I start my day I think about what I want to accomplish. Now I am not as manic as some as I don’t make lists down to the last detail. I have discovered that when it comes to my days I rarely get done what I set out to do and making detailed lists would just frustrate me. I do have goals in my mind though of what I what to accomplish and somewhat how I want to try and get there. Now I am not saying that a more detailed list is wrong or bad I am just saying that is not how I work. It may also be my cop out. So if you are a list maker and it helps you to get things done then that is what you need to do.
So now let’s think about the list. You’ve analyzed and now what are you going to do?
I’m going to give you my list but they are in no particular order.
Surf more consistently.
Choose the traffic exchanges that are working and stop wasting my time on the rest.
Be more consistent with the social networking sites I have signed up with.
Interact more with my contacts on these Web 2.0 sites.
Analyze my PPC programs more frequently.
Make changes to my sites based on my analysis more frequently.
Do you see a pattern emerging? If I was to sum them up in a few words it would be.
-Consistent -going deeper -getting rid of the dead wood -work more with what I have got -stop jumping from new to new.
So that is my goal for 2008. I think I can do it. I know I can do it. Now all I have to do is do it.
Till next time, happy marketing.

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